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“The Efficiency of Knowledge Based Society"

The topic „knowledge based society“ can be understandable as an overall issue that combines numerous ways and dimensions in spatial development. On its own it is a manifestation through the particular local, regional, European and global development trends in the fields of economy, work and life. The phenomenon of the knowledge based society is linked with space and time. This leads to an extensive understanding of expressions „knowledge based society“ and „spatial development“. Today the knowledge is the most important competition and development factor.


Competition of Cities: Chances and Risks of Cooperation

The conference Competition of Cities: Chances and Risks of Cooperation has been held on the 3 rd and 4 th of March 2005 in Bratislava and was organised by SPECTRA, Centre of Excellence. Competition of the Cities is the title of one of the working groups of ARL, led by prof. Rudolf Giffinger from TU Vienna. This event was an outstanding opportunity to present current research results of the above mentioned working group, as well as contributions from other experts. Each paper presented on the conference was evaluated and commented by independent evaluator. The monography dedicated to Competition and cooperation of the cities is supposed to be released in this year.


Regional Network

Efficient and successful research of the SPECTRA Centre on the main current problems in the field of spatial development in the European context will be supported not only via bilateral collaboration but via integration in the existing and establishing of new networks. This allows the integration in the common interrelated databases for information exchange in the collaboration with the partnership institutions providing information and experience with launching similar databases, virtual and real face-to-face communication via mutual participation of the experts in the research projects, participation on networking events – conferences, workshops, elaboration of joint research projects or creating the networks of excellence.


Europäisches Junges Forum

Education Project from programme: Leibniz Gemeinschaft Forschung und Innovation, Akademie fuer Raumforschung und Landesplanung, Hannover, Nemecko: ARL_EJF_08_18957: „Europäisches Junges Forum“
Period: 2008 -2010
Project Coordinator: Prof. Dipl-Ing. Dietmar Scholich, ARL Hannover, Germany.
Representative of Spectra, Centre of Excellence: Prof. Ing. Arch. Maroš Finka, PhD.


Programme of cross-border cooperation Slovakia-Austria 2007-2013 – Creating the Future
Period: 2009-2011
Project Coordinator: Martin Tschulik, Amt der NO Landesregierung, Abt. Naturschutz, St. Poelten, Austria
Representative of Spectra, Centre of Excellence: Prof. Ing. Arch. Maroš Finka, PhD.


Programme of cross-border cooperation Slovakia-Austria 2007-2013 – Creating the Future
Period: 2009-2011
Project Coordinator: Michael Rosenberger, Magistrat Wien, Austria.
Representative of Spectra, Centre of Excellence: Prof. Ing. Arch. Maroš Finka, PhD.

The 24th AESOP Annual Conference ”Space is a Luxury” in Helsinki, Finland

Members of Spectra, Centre of Excellence will participate on the 24th AESOP Annual Conference ”Space is a Luxury” in Helsinki, Finland, 7th-10th July 2010. prof. Maros Finka, Head of the Spectra Centre and MS Lubomir Jamecny will present paper with the title „The Territorial Agenda as an opportunity in enlarged EU?”. Assoc. Prof. Dagmar Petrikova will refer on a new curriculum for a joint diploma of ”Master in Spatial Planning”, prepared by the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, Institute IATEUR and STU Bratislava, Institute of Management, Department of Spatial Planning. Her paper is named ”Joint Innovation in Spatial Planning Curriculum. More at

CIRCUSE (Circular Flow Land Use Management) Meeting on June 22nd

On the 22nd. June, prof. Maros Finka, assoc. prof. Dagmar Petrikova and dr. Matej Jaššo met with Mr. Štefan Bošňák, mayor of the City of Trnava, Mr. Milan Horák, Head of the Department of Spatial Development of the Municipal Office of City of Trnava and mayors of 10 municipalities of Trnava region.


Spatial Planning and Global Crisis, Responses from Central, Eastern and Southern-Eastern Europe

Prof. M. Finka and Dr. M. Jaššo took a part on the Conference under the headline Spatial Planning and Global Crisis, Responses from Central, Eastern and Southern-Eastern Europe, organised by Insitute of Geography, University of Belgrade. The event was held on 23th-24th September in Belgrade. The conference was co-organised by, research network of institutes and organisations active in the field of spatial planning. Our representatives presented paper with title „Selected aspects of territorial cohesion in Slovakia under the recent crisis“.